a blog website about gadgets comparison and reviews
it has a blog functionality with a rich text editor
and it has a market place where you can place the products and the order link
i added the google analytics code so you can monitor and see the location and the behaviour of the users
and also i added the google search console to the html code and a robots.txt and a map for the website so
the google robots can crawl and index your pages in the web browser
click to view the website
Project 2
a desktop based app to download youtube ,TikTok ,facebook media as a audio or a video format
in this project I used in the backend yt_dlp package to download the media which it uses the ffmpeg to uncode ,decode ,mux ,demux filter and play
pretty much anything, and i used in the frontend tkinter
and customtkinter , and i used the os library to navigate in the windows files and put the downloaded files in the desktop
i used the pathlib to navigate in the windows file system and place the downloads
and finaly i bundled the app with auto-py-to-exe which is built on top of pyinstaller package
**note** you might encounter problems with the code , you just need to adjust the output_path and the ffmpeg_location to suit your pc
view project in github
and this is a version for linux view in github
Project 3
online shop
simple ecomerce platform
i used in the backend django
i used in the fronend html ,css ,and bootstrap
the website has the functionality to list products ,modify , or delete
the website has a order form for customers that wiil store the order and show it to the website owner
i used a postgres database to manage and store the accounts , the orders and the products
view in github
Project 4
lstm deep learning models for forecasting the forex market
i used tensorflow to create and train the deep learning models and the linear regression models
the data of the forex is in a format of csv files , these files will be processed with pandas and formed in a dataframe
the features and the target values are retreived from this data frame
i used the matplotlib to plot the graphs and see the results and the performance of my models
click the link to see the project!!
Project 5
pdf to mp3 converter
i used the PyPDF2 to read the pdf files and to convert them to a text i used the pyttsx3 library
and for the interface i used the kivy and kivymd gui libraries
view project in github!
Project 6
web scraper
this project is a simple python script that gets the data from a html page by providing the url to
this page say amazon product page as example by using the requests python package to make the http requests
and using the BeautifulSoup and the lxml packages to process the html and
pages and get the data and this data can be the price ,title , availability of the product , by passing the html id attribute in select_one method
view in github
Project 7
a simple sass project
the user can upload pdfs to the website and the website converts them to audio and the user can download them , the website has also
the ability to extract text from the images , and finaly the website can download youtube , tiktok ,facebook videos as a mp3 or mp4
view it in github
Project 8
bakery website
simple bakery shop where the user can post the cakes and bakery products and the people can order them by
passing their delivery info in a form , but its not done completly
i used django for the backend and html ,css ,bootstrap for the frontend
view project in github!